Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sorry guys

sorry i havnt updated my blog page.. been kinda busy doing my trainning.. aaahhh hey im in kl..but i dont have much time to skate ...:( anyway will post up pictures very soon.. soon is kinda slow so.. i dont really no when ..hhahaha peace guys .... 

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Note Tour picture in Malaysia

Here some picture of the mini asia tour, from B (Fb). see its going great. all the best guys.. now there are in Brunei.. cant wait to see them pictures..

Asian X-GAMES 2009

Sorry the above picture was last year one hihi..

This year’s Asian X Games will be held in Shanghai again from 30 April - 3May and will feature a skate plaza street course.

eemm when will they decide to pick the athlete???to represent malaysia?? getting kind of late...

this year most likely im not going cause of work, so, wish all the best for the malaysian athlete.. you guys are so going to miss me.hihih, this is the first year im going to miss. aahh oh well